
The Surprising Reason Why Coin Banks Are Shaped Like Pigs

Coin banks are so often shaped like pigs, that we rarely call them coin banks anymore; “piggy bank” is a much more common name for a children’s coin container. But have you every wondered how that shape came to be?

As it turns out, it’s because of a misinterpretation.

Here’s the story. (the article continues after the ad)

During the Middle Ages, as metal was expensive and quite seldom, dishes and cookware in Europe were being made of an economical, orange clay called “pygg”. So when housewives began storing their savings in jars, these jars were called “pygg banks”. 

But as time went by, people forgot that the term “piggy bank” was a reference to the earthenware material. English potters misunderstood “piggy” for “pig” and when they were asked to produce coin banks, they made them look like a pig. The pig-shaped jars caught on and appealed to everyone (especially to the children) and that is the reason why, even today, most coin banks are shaped like a pig. 

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Photo: pefertig / Pixabay
Photoshop: I’m A Useless Info Junkie
Sources: Did you ever wonder why its called a piggy bank? | Ever Wonder Why?: Here Are the Answers!

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