Steven Spielberg, the man behind the successful directing of Indiana Jones might have not been there in the first place. As it turns out, Spielberg directed Indiana Jones because he was turned down by James Bond franchise’s owners.
In 1977, just after the premiere of Star Wars, George Lucas went on vacation to Hawaii where he met with his old pal, Steven Spielberg. As they were talking, Spielberg told Lucas that he really wanted to do a James Bond movie and he even contacted the owners of the franchise, only to be turned down.

At that time, Lucas started already thinking of his new project so, when he heard his friend’s story, he said that he had a film “just like James Bond but even better.” It was a story about an archaeologist named Indiana. The concept of the film as Lucas described it was like a Saturday-matinee serial, where the main character just gets into one mess after another. (the article continues after the ad)
Spielberg loved the idea but hated the name. You see, Lucas named the character after his dog, Indiana Smith which sounded too hokey to Spielberg. So, Lucas said, “It’s your movie now. You can name him whatever you want. You can name him Indiana Jones if you like”.
And thus the Indiana Jones saga was born.
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Photo: ScreenFish, The Last Word On Nothing,
Photoshop: I’m A Useless Info Junkie
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