When it comes to winning the lottery, everyone who plays is confident that he or she is going to win that jackpot. However, with a chance of 1 in 14 million, doing so is much much harder than you think.
In fact, a lot of the things we consider ‘unlikely to happen’, are actually far more likely than winning the lottery.
From being crushed by a meteor to winning an oscar, here they are: (the article continues after the ad)
10. Die from being left-handed and using a right-handed product incorrectly – 1 in 4.4 million (Source)

9. Being crushed by a meteor – 1 in 700,000 (Source)

8. Die from being hit by a falling plane part – 1 in 10 million (Source)

7. Die in a plane crash – 1 in 11 million (Source)

6. Getting hit by lightning – 1 in 10 million (Source)

5. Die from flesh eating bacteria – 1 in 1 million (Source)

4. Become an astronaut – 1 in 12 million (Source)

3. Give birth to identical quadruplets – 1 in 13 million. (Source)

2. Win an oscar – 1 in 11,500 (Source)

1. Win an Olympic medal – 1 in 662,000 (Source)

Good luck on the next lottery!
If you like what you read, then you will definitely love this one: 7 Things About Everyday Items You Had No Idea About
Photo: Wikimedia, NASA
Photoshop: I’m A Useless Info Junkie
Sources: Lottery: 11 things that are more likely than winning the Lotto jackpot