Having to wait for an animal to pass in front of a camera trap is a slow and boring process. But now scientists have found a useful tool to attract wild cats. A tool that works exceptionally well on jaguars: Obsession for men by Calvin Klein.
Yep, you’ve read that right. The fragrance Obsession for men by Calvin Klein is used to lure jaguars to camera traps.
Ordeñana, a Bronx Zoo researcher did several experiments with various different scents and the one he landed on was this Calvin Klein cologne. Jaguars are extremely attracted to it and even a small amount when sprayed on a tree branch, will get them in front of the camera. So, what’s so special about this fragrance? Ordeñana explains: (the article continues after the ad)
“It has civetone and it has vanilla extract. What we think is that the civetone resembles some sort of territorial marking to the jaguar, and so it responds by rubbing its own scent on it. And as for the vanilla, it is believed that it works because it set off the cats’ curiosity response.”
Now you know what fragrance not to wear the next time you go for safari!
If you like what you read, then you will definitely love this one: This Was The BRUTAL Admission Price For A Zoo In The 18th Century England

Photos: World Wildlife Fund, FragranceExpert.com
Photoshop: I’m A Useless Info Junkie
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